
Since joining the ISE Department, Dr. Joseph Gabbard has taught several graduate and undergraduate courses on human factors and usability engineering. When applicable, course exercises and projects are structured so that students have the opportunity to get experience with emerging technologies; planning and conducting user-based experiments as well as documenting their findings in a manner suitable for publication.
ISE 3614 Introduction to Human Factors
Introduction to Human Factors Engineering

Offered: Typically Fall & Semester (each year)
Description: An undergraduate course that examines human factors, ergonomics, and work measurement engineering, with emphasis on a systems approach toward workplace and machine design. Discussion of basic human factors research and design methods, design/evaluation methods for work systems and human machine interactions, human information processing, visual and auditory processes, display and control design, and effects of environmental stressors on humans.
ISE 5604 Human-Information Processing
Engineering Psychology and Human Performance

Offered: Typically Fall Semester (each year)
Description: a first-year graduate course designed to lay the groundwork for students focusing in human-factors. Topics include human information reception, information processing, and skilled performance capabilities and limitations in human-matching systems, with an emphasis on models and techniques including psychophysics, signal detection theory, information theory, and decision theory.
CS/ISE 5714 Usability Engineering
UX Book

Offered: Typically Spring Semester (each year)
Description: Design and evaluation of effective user interfaces, beginning with principles for designing the product. Development process for user interaction separate from interactive software development. Development process includes iterative life cycle management, systems analysis, design, usability specifications, design representation techniques, prototyping, formative user-based evaluation. Integrative and cross-disciplinary approach with main emphasis on usability methods and the user interaction development process.
ISE 5984 Industrial Augmented Reality
Universal Methods of Design

Offered: Typically Spring Semesters (even years)
Description: This graduate course offers an examination of augmented reality (AR) principles and techniques as applied to industrial settings, with a focus on the underlying supporting hardware components, technical approaches and methods, 3D graphics, tracking & registration, mechanisms to deliver coherent visual information to the human visual system, user interaction techniques, and authoring Industrial AR content.
ISE 6604 Human Factors in Visual Display Systems

Offered: Typically Fall Semester (even years)
Description: Quantitative analysis of human visual system capabilities and limitations, and their relationship to the design of visual display components and systems. Emphasis is placed on the measurement and physics of light, visual science data and hardware design. Additionally, principles of visual design for varying display systems is explored.
ISE 6614 Computer-Human Systems
Universal Methods of Design

Offered: Typically Spring Semester (odd years)
Description: a PhD-level graduate human factors course in design that includes a survey of human factors and user-centered methods used in the design of computer-based systems. Consideration is given to the iterative interface design process, hardware interface design, software interface design, and workplace design.